Sunday, December 04, 2005


This gem was in the NYT Sunday edition.

I've been critical of the wikipedia idea all along, only to be reassured that the feedback loop that accompanies a dumb network like that would go a long ways toward ensuring that bad information wasn't disseminate d on the net as truth. Now, a real-world example of someone who has been wronged by the almighty wiki.

I respect this Seigenthaler guy, and the way he handled the bad information. The original poster who said he was involved in the JFK assassination made their post anonymously -- another feature of wikipedia I don't especially like -- and it would have taken quite a court battle to find out the identity of the poster. As I argued in my law paper this fall -- and the Delaware Suporeme Court agreed with me in Cahill v. John Doe -- people who post material on the internet should have the right to remain anonymous.


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